Intelligent video monitoring software utilizing the highest levels of available technology and providing best performance to suit any requirement.



Digifort has integrated Axis audio products as well as 2N intercoms. Digifort also has integrated hundreds of other devices supporting audio.
In addition, we have in cue several other audio enhanced solution for native integration.
Audio solutions is an effective deterrent and can respond faster and more economically, as you can respond remotely without having to send out a guard.

But that’s not all. There are other numerous applications:
  • Automated Warning. When a perimeter is breached, audio warning message can be played.
  • Evacuation message.
  • Tsunami Warning.
  • Automated as well as live guidance instruction.
  • Use as a PA system.
  • Microphone built-in the horn speaker can also act as an Audio Level detection to detect and alert authorities based on loud noise such as Screaming, Explosion and Glass breaking noise. In a parking lot, for instance, the sound of breaking glass can alert operators to thieves, and in the same environment, the use of pre- recorded announcements with greetings or instructions regarding exits and directions can alert everyone that video surveillance is in operation, helping the public feel safe and deterring potential criminals ahead of thefts being committed.

As a deterrent to potential crime, vandalism and anti-social behaviour, live and pre-recorded audio announcements are more effective and efficient than standard sirens. Live call outs are highly effective in monitored surveillance systems, where operators can give detailed instruction based on the specific situation, or issue warnings.
When video surveillance operators identify an individual committing or looking likely to commit a crime, the ability to issue a warning to that specific individual is highly effective. “To the young man in the blue jacket and baseball cap, holding a can of spray paint, be aware that you are on camera and that graffiti is vandalism and illegal…” is likely to stop them in their tracks. Live and pre-recorded audio announcements are more effective and efficient than standard sirens.
In non-monitored video systems, pre-recorded announcements can act as a far more useful alert than a traditional siren. For instance, when someone breaching a perimeter is automatically detected by video surveillance, whether on purpose or accidentally, pre-recorded audio warnings can demand that they move away, without any intervention from an operator. This can reduce unnecessary guard call-outs, decreasing costs to organizations by saving on wasted man hours, use of resources and the need for as many full-time guards to be on call.


Pre-recorded announcements can be used when people are exiting a store the wrong way. In the retail sector, similar announcements could be used when, for instance, members of the public have been seen exiting store the wrong way, which often can be a sign of shoplifting. Additionally, smart sensors embedded in cameras can spot a customer dwelling at a display – which might relate to them needing help, or possibly looking for an opportunity to shoplift – triggering a pre-recorded announcement informing them that a store representative will be with them shortly and notifying in-store staff.
This increase in the speed and quality of service can make the difference between a lost customer and a valuable sale, and also help with loss prevention, with thieves being alerted that they are being watched.


A city in Chile is using cameras and speakers to give warnings and instructions in case of earthquakes and tsunamis.
In situations where citizens might be panicked or unsure what to do – whether in evacuating a building or public area, or at the scene of an accident – pre-recorded and live announcements can deliver clear instructions, bringing calm where there might otherwise be chaos ahead of the arrival of first responders.
With skilled operators, live audio could even potentially be used to issue basic instructions to deal with injuries, reducing the potential or more serious conditions.

Digifort Audio Solution | Datasheet